Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Monday October 6th- Tuesday October 14th

'The 100 Mile Wilderness' & Mount Katahdin (114.5 miles covered)...


Anonymous said...

Hello! It's wonderful that you are all hiking with a serious purpose (other than pure thrill and excitement). Just wanted to say Charlie, it was lovely to meet you the other day and now I have seen a great deal of you. Hikers rock! If you see this comment and would like to get in touch sometime (although perhaps trans-continental) email me: peace_tree_love@yahoo.com.

Good luck with the rest of your journey!

-Carissa (the deli worker in Salibury, Conn.)

dee the trail angel said...

Hey Charlie and Duffy!
Just a bit disappointed that I haven't been mentioned (crap! i'm a leo, it's all about me!). picking you guys up in bangor, maine and driving you to monson and having a blast at the monson pub. I don't get any recognition?

I thought it was a memorable drive. getting lost....?

hope you guys survived it all!

i would say - the next time in bangor, to give me a call, but i'm moving to california in april. so, next time you're in california, give me a call.

dee (the bangor to monson taxi driver that supplied weak beer)

Mighty Mouse said...

Hi Charlie,

I just found your blog. Did all of make it? I got back on the trail, but tore a ligament and got off just south of Shenandoah NP.

I haven't watched all the videos or read all of the blog yet, but your pictures are simply amazing! I can't believe I don't have a single picture of any of you.

It was so nice meeting all of you. You guys definitely contributed to my trail experience. Hope all is well

~Mighty Mouse